Sunday, October 09, 2005

Dear George Lucas

Dear George Lucas,

You probably hear this all the time, but I've got an idea for a movie that would kill at the box office! Lend me your ears, I've got a story to tell!

First off, you get Mark Hammill to play the lead. He's on a mission to find the secret scrolls of some village somewhere that hold the secret to saving his parents or somebody from certain death half a world away. Ok, they're secret but he somehow knows about them. That's up to the screenwriters to figure out. Ok, so at one point he's standing on the edge of some cliff and you think the scrolls have blown over the edge never to be seen again and he's just screaming over the edge: "NOOO! Not the SCROOOLLLLLS!!!" Like that!

And then he doesn't see it but this big bird comes along and grabs the scrolls (in midair, of course! don't you think a bird would be perfect for that?) that have gone over the cliff and takes them somewhere where later Mark Hammill finds them. But even though it's only half an hour into the movie probably when this happens and you totally see the bird grabs the scrolls you kind of have the audience taking the bait, because nobody can scream tragically like Mark Hammill and you know this to be true. Ok, so George, what do you think? Take a chance on me, the Hollywood outsider to make it big? I think that that line where Mark Hammill is screaming about the scrolls going over the cliff is the one they're going to show at the Oscars when YOU WIN for BEST DIRECTOR!!!

(Also, if this doesn't sound good to you I have this idea where you bring back Carrie Fisher in a reality show where she teaches young women what to do if they're ever kidnapped by Jabba the hut or somebody and forced to be his dancing slave girl!)



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