maynard256 at livejournal
I love me some whiny blogging bitches. I've been known to demand to see their tits, always with the m.o. of convincing them of the undeniable truth that their tits are the most interesting thing about them. They always hate the shit out of me for it. It's almost too easy.
Here's maynard256 at livejournal, who I saw when I was grabbing a graphic from this guy for redisplay at my main page:

Breaking with tradition here at my mailbag page, this isn't actually email, but rather an exchange from the comment section of one of her posts about all her horrible, awful problems that no one would ever understand. Wah.
I totally come off like a perv, but it's a small price to pay to help this girl understand that no one would give a shit about her whiny ass unless they were
1) family
2) slaves
3) faking it because they want to see her tits
And slaves are illegal. We begin.
Do you show your tits ever? 'Cause that I would love to see. Sorry off topic. Hope life doesn't get you so down in the future. We all know what it's like to be at the mercy of how we feel. That's what your twenties are for -- it simmers down after a while. Really, it'll all calm down once you quit worrying about it. And if you want to show me your tits, that's awesome too.
Whoever you are, I've been suffering with a REAL mental illness since I was 16. It's called Bipolar, asshole, I'm not just LETTING my feelings get me down. That's why I take medicine and see a psychiatrist.
That's NOT what my fucking twenties are for. This isn't just piddly teen-angst bullshit spilling over into adulthood, this is something that WON'T all calm down once I quit worrying about it, it's a fucking CHRONIC ILLNESS. I will never be able to go a day with out medication for THE REST OF MY LIFE. READ UP ON IT, it's a real fucking joyride.
Do you approach women in person with the same kind of tact that you did me? If you do, I bet you're up to your neck in pussy. What kind of women buy that kind of shit? Because I'm sure they're all top shelf.
Did you also use that same kind of tact when you took this? I'm sure telling Anthony he has nice tits buttered him up well enough for him to just let you have it.
You're pathetic. Go trolling in someone else's journal, Jackass.
Good for you tattletale, I totally passed that art off as my own and I need to be stopped. If you look at two days ago I link straight to the talent at Nedroid. While you're at it, warn the other five million people I've showcased the graphics of over the last three years, almost every one of which I've credited at a point coeval with the appearance of.
And it's also good for you that you consider yourself to be a victim of some terrible emotional disease that you milk on your blog, sorry, typepad.
Gimme a little credit. I was genuinely trying to give you an opportunity to show a side of yourself that isn't totaly absorbed in your whiny, victim-y problems, those specifically being your titties. Shit, at least your tits are normal and can enjoy a full and healthy life. I take this to mean you aren't going to show them off, even though your profile picture makes it look like you're going to? Either way, I hope we can still be friends. Me and your tits, I mean.
Don't cry yourself to sleep, please,
[That's more or less the end. At this point in our repartee, which was shaping up to be at least semi-authentic if lop-sided, she decides to carve my name on herself,
If you're going to whine on the internet, don't be surprised if someone jumps your shit. It's a hard world so get used to it, and don't try to threaten me with carving my name into your skin. By the way. before I changed it, my last name was XXKXKKXXXKKXKXKKXKXXKKXKson. Get pictures, no tits required. (I'm originally from a small village in KXKXKXKXistan.) Shit, what's the poor bastard who actually sees your tits and then dumps your crazy ass going to have done in his honor? You gonna snort some popcorn salt and then blog about that? That'll show him! Are you gonna gargle drano? I bet then they'll all be sorry! But ol' maynard256 will never kill herself, 'cause how could she milk it on her blog afterwards?
I can't believe that the norm consists of feeling sorry for dipshits like this rather than telling them like it is. Reality isn't for everybody, so if you can't take it, vacate the premises. I refuse to acquiesce to bitch-ass pity parties internet or not, livejournal or not, carving on yourself or not.
Debutantes used to "come out", ever heard of that? When they did, they were fair game for all the intrigue and complication society could throw at them. Little girlies who aren't "out" yet have no business in the company of adults. When I send them back to the kitchen for more seasoning, it's for the good of everyone.]
Here's maynard256 at livejournal, who I saw when I was grabbing a graphic from this guy for redisplay at my main page:

Breaking with tradition here at my mailbag page, this isn't actually email, but rather an exchange from the comment section of one of her posts about all her horrible, awful problems that no one would ever understand. Wah.
I totally come off like a perv, but it's a small price to pay to help this girl understand that no one would give a shit about her whiny ass unless they were
1) family
2) slaves
3) faking it because they want to see her tits
And slaves are illegal. We begin.
Do you show your tits ever? 'Cause that I would love to see. Sorry off topic. Hope life doesn't get you so down in the future. We all know what it's like to be at the mercy of how we feel. That's what your twenties are for -- it simmers down after a while. Really, it'll all calm down once you quit worrying about it. And if you want to show me your tits, that's awesome too.
Whoever you are, I've been suffering with a REAL mental illness since I was 16. It's called Bipolar, asshole, I'm not just LETTING my feelings get me down. That's why I take medicine and see a psychiatrist.
That's NOT what my fucking twenties are for. This isn't just piddly teen-angst bullshit spilling over into adulthood, this is something that WON'T all calm down once I quit worrying about it, it's a fucking CHRONIC ILLNESS. I will never be able to go a day with out medication for THE REST OF MY LIFE. READ UP ON IT, it's a real fucking joyride.
Do you approach women in person with the same kind of tact that you did me? If you do, I bet you're up to your neck in pussy. What kind of women buy that kind of shit? Because I'm sure they're all top shelf.
Did you also use that same kind of tact when you took this? I'm sure telling Anthony he has nice tits buttered him up well enough for him to just let you have it.
You're pathetic. Go trolling in someone else's journal, Jackass.
Good for you tattletale, I totally passed that art off as my own and I need to be stopped. If you look at two days ago I link straight to the talent at Nedroid. While you're at it, warn the other five million people I've showcased the graphics of over the last three years, almost every one of which I've credited at a point coeval with the appearance of.
And it's also good for you that you consider yourself to be a victim of some terrible emotional disease that you milk on your blog, sorry, typepad.
Gimme a little credit. I was genuinely trying to give you an opportunity to show a side of yourself that isn't totaly absorbed in your whiny, victim-y problems, those specifically being your titties. Shit, at least your tits are normal and can enjoy a full and healthy life. I take this to mean you aren't going to show them off, even though your profile picture makes it look like you're going to? Either way, I hope we can still be friends. Me and your tits, I mean.
Don't cry yourself to sleep, please,
[That's more or less the end. At this point in our repartee, which was shaping up to be at least semi-authentic if lop-sided, she decides to carve my name on herself,
can I have your last name so I can give you PROPER CREDIT?and I think she's probably nuts enough to be telling the truth. Great. I try to save a little face with another comment about her being a closet exhibitionist (and even a moment of genuine medical advice, effectively "don't take any wooden nickels"), but the thrill's gone out of it. I could post my last missive to her but the delivery of it into such a dumb and sad corner makes it boring. Why punch a dead guy. I just have one final thought on the subject of maynard256 at livejournal and whiny little girls that overpopulate the internet in general.
If you're going to whine on the internet, don't be surprised if someone jumps your shit. It's a hard world so get used to it, and don't try to threaten me with carving my name into your skin. By the way. before I changed it, my last name was XXKXKKXXXKKXKXKKXKXXKKXKson. Get pictures, no tits required. (I'm originally from a small village in KXKXKXKXistan.) Shit, what's the poor bastard who actually sees your tits and then dumps your crazy ass going to have done in his honor? You gonna snort some popcorn salt and then blog about that? That'll show him! Are you gonna gargle drano? I bet then they'll all be sorry! But ol' maynard256 will never kill herself, 'cause how could she milk it on her blog afterwards?
I can't believe that the norm consists of feeling sorry for dipshits like this rather than telling them like it is. Reality isn't for everybody, so if you can't take it, vacate the premises. I refuse to acquiesce to bitch-ass pity parties internet or not, livejournal or not, carving on yourself or not.
Debutantes used to "come out", ever heard of that? When they did, they were fair game for all the intrigue and complication society could throw at them. Little girlies who aren't "out" yet have no business in the company of adults. When I send them back to the kitchen for more seasoning, it's for the good of everyone.]
Just leave her alone. She has done absolutely nothing to you, there is no reason for you to go on and on about things you don't understand. It's her personal journal, she has the right to post whatever the hell she wants. Just because she chooses to make the posts public doesn't give you the right to criticize her illness or anything about her, actually. You don't get that privilege. So do everyone a favor and disappear. She doesn't need you.
Or he can do that one better and stop breathing and leave air for the useful people. See buddy? It's not hard to post some random bullshit on someones blog and hope to troll up some witty response.
Oh, I'm pretty sure I was gay in another life and would like to give you the oppportunity to show me your dick. That way if your black-hole of endless wit fails to win you any friends your DICK can be friends with me. See how unoriginal and stupid that sounds? We can all be sheep-fellating nonsensical pricks given the opportunity.
Wow...way to be a grown-up. Nice to know that there are people out there who still think it's OK to belittle and berate people because they are different or have an illness. And the slave comment = uncalled for.
We all try to help people in our own ways. If your way is to mope around and bring people case after case of kleenex, great. You're dumb, but ok.
I think you're all nuts for hanging around your livejournal pages trading weepy tropes, but it's your business. I'll give you this, you're getting the right idea finally. Get in someone's face. You all probably have inboxes full of inspirational chain letters to attend to so I'll keep it short.
I'm no behavioral psychologist but I don't think a girl who cries herself to sleep every night under her Justin Timberlake poster needs people telling her it makes sense to do that. You're no better friends to her than I am.
If you could get her to just cut the shit and show the tits that would be great too. I mean look at her profile pic, she's jailbait for chrissake.
I know for a fact that she is not jailbait. If 23 is jailbait, then I'm missing something.
You're no friend to her. You don't know any of us. The comment of her crying herself to sleep under her Justin Timberlake poster is simply laughable. I know I have posters of people I dispise on my walls.
If you're so against Livejournals, why do you have a "blog", when it's more or less the same thing?
Your critical analysis of her life isn't "helping". I've known her for well over 10 years and I KNOW the shit she's been through. You've been around for 10 minutes. You have no clue. So drop it. I'm done.
Oh for fucking Jesus's sake, she's 23?
The only reason I wasn't all that mean to her was because I thought no one who was over eighteen could be that annoyingly full of self-pity and despair. I've given up already, but this is an excellent reason why I shouldn't have.
Why is she using such a slutty profile pic anyway, really?
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