Friday, December 29, 2006

Dear Trane air conditioning and heating

Your ad, "It's hard to stop a trane", gives my family hours of pleasure, as we dissect the manifold associations it presumably intends.

Each night as we gather round the dinner table, it's common to hear little Tamara with the lisp shrieking with glee: "It's altho hard to thtop a T-R-A-I-N! Get it?! HAHAHAHA!!"

Then we all laugh and look out our window at the collage of your ads we've cut out of various magazines and circulars, to look upon lovingly, as we hold each other close and cherish one another, and your brilliant phrase, year after hilarious year. You know what ELSE is hard to stop? The funnyness of your ads!!!!

Thank you SO MUCH.


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