Friday, October 28, 2005

dear muslim website

I was having some pizza tonight with some Muslim friends at the place where we work, and as I took a bite of delicious pepperoni, I realized that they weren't allowed to eat it and decided to keep how excellent it was to myself. It made me think.

If I converted to Islam, I would have to give up pepperoni because it's made of pork and Muslims aren't allowed to eat pork. I understand that there are rules associated with religions and I just want to conform to them and not cause trouble.

But what if I converted to Islam while I was eating the pizza? If I was eating pepperoni when I converted, would I have to switch to cheese immediately or could I have another slice of pepperoni? Would it be better if I just wait until after dinner to convert to Islam? If my mouth is full of pork, or there's still a pork taste in my mouth, do I have to make myself throw up? If I don't, does that mean I go to hell?! If it turns out that I will have to go to hell if I screw up, I am definitely NOT going to convert to Islam! As it is now I don't have to go to hell AND I get to eat whatever I want.

Also, since you will obviously have an interesting opinion on the matter, I was wondering if you would explain: if one hungry person had Islam, and one hungry person had a pig to eat, how is it that the Muslim guy would be better off than the guy with the pig?

Thanks in advance for your reply,
Dale Shipley


DearDale Shipley
Thank you for writing to us.
We invite you to read the attachment.

Best Regards.

Islam Q&A

[The attached is a fifty-five page .PDF, a beginner's guide to Islam. I can't link to it any way I know of, and no one in his right mind would voluntarily undertake to decrypt fifty five pages of esoteric dogma, no matter what religion it was, so I will just link to the only image in the document. Here is that link.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck you. how are you about to talk to her like that on her birthday.

10:26 PM  
Blogger dale said...

does this mean we can't go get ice cream?

7:51 PM  

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